The role of ? is a young-adult male and was written for the show with the hope of attracting new audience. The show premiered in Japan on December 3, and the soundtrack was released on January 30, 2019. The show premiered on February 3 in the Philippines, and on March 2 in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong. A sneak peek was shown in the opening ceremony of the 2020 Winter Universiade in China on February 1, 2020.
A British soundtrack featuring the cast of ? was released on February 6, 2019, and is to be released in the United States on March 18, 2019.
? is a Japanese ? musical inspired by the Disney ? film, ? The Princess and the Frog. The show was adapted by ?, the producer of ? and ? and was written by ? ? is a Japanese ? musical inspired by the Disney ? film, ? The Princess and the Frog. The show was adapted by ? ?, the producer of ? and ? and was written by ? The show is the fourth ? ? is a British ? musical inspired by the Disney ? film, ? The Princess and the Frog. The show is the fourth ? ? was written by ? It is the fourth ? ? the first to have a ? the first to have a multi-language cast. It also marked the debut of ? ? ? It was the first ? for Yuuki Hayashi as ? the first for Yuuki Hayashi as ? Yuuki Hayashi and ? the first ? the first to have an all-Japanese ? cast. ? ? It was the first ? the first to have an all-Japanese cast. ? was co-produced by ? ? ? It was co-produced by ? ? and ? and was co-produced by ? ? and ? and ? This marks the first ? to be adapted by ? ? and the first ? to have an all-Japanese cast. ? ? ? It was co-produced by ? ? and ? and was co-produced by ? ? and ? and ? This marks the first ? to have an all-Japanese cast. ? ? ? The show is the fourth ? to be co-produced by ?
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